Monster legends element table
Monster legends element table

However, if an attack would be both strong and weak against a hybrid monster (if a fire skill targeted a nature/fire monster for example), the weakness will override the strength and the damage will be halved. There are forty-three legendary and twelve mythic monsters in Monster Legends who use the Water Element. Dual element monsters typically have the combined weaknesses and resistances of both elements. Here is the list of all elements in Monster Legends, along with a brief detail on the number of monsters each element currently have and the strength and weakness of a particular element toward others.

monster legends element table

Hybrid monsters require temples of both elements before they can level up.Įach element deals 2.5 times damage against a monster with the corresponding weak element:Įach element is also weak against itself and deals half damage. These temples must also correspond to the element of the particular monster that the player wishes to enhance. Monsters are restricted from leveling above Level 10 without the aid of a temple. With this breading time of this combination, there is only one result that is legend monster (you can see in Breading Caculator section) Levi Archer says: Maat 8:06. Legendary monsters may only be placed in legendary habitats. Everything you need to know about the Drop Elemental in Monster Legends Everything you need to know about the Drop Elemental in Monster Legends Main menu. Hybrid monsters may be placed in either habitat corresponding to either of its elements.

monster legends element table

Monsters must be placed in a habitat that corresponds to their element. The element which a particular monster belongs to determines which of the habitats it can be placed in after being hatched. There are ten elements in Monster Legends.


You can feel free to style the and in any way you want to suit your page design.Each monster in Monster Legends has a single element or combination of 2 elements. Otherwise, it establishes a block formatting context. monster legends weakness chart by kontil 08.40 0 komentar WEAKNESS Below you will find a chart which tells you about the general weakness of different elements of monsters. If the is styled with display: flex or display: inline-flex, then the anonymous box will be a flex formatting context. This page contains links to element categories, which include the Uncommon monsters in those categories. Some monsters have dual typings letting them be two instead of just one. Elements are one of the biggest factors in monsters legends with your monsters being able to do stronger or weaker damage on other specific monsters. If the is styled with display: grid or display: inline-grid, then the anonymous box will be a grid formatting context. In Monster Legends, each monster has a different element that defines their type. There will be an anonymous box holding the contents of the, which inherits certain properties from the. (For example, display: inline behaves as block.) 1 Greenasaur 2 Manolyth 3 Electrex Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. More Monster Legends - Uncommon Guide Wiki. Dark Earth Fire Light Magic Metal Nature Thunder Water. The shrink-wraps, and also establishes a formatting context. This page contains links to element categories, which include the Uncommon monsters in those categories. If a is present, it is placed over the block-start border. You can use other combinations to get the monster you want.

monster legends element table

Once per combat: At 60 Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Here is a detailed Monster Legends breeding guide with pictures of the monsters. The element has min-inline-size: min-content by default. Abilities and attacks deal 25 more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health. By default there is a 2px groove border surrounding the contents, and a small amount of default padding. If the is styled with an inline-level display value, it will behave as inline-block, otherwise it will behave as block. Choose the two beasts that you want to pair, one from the left column and one from the right, and push the START BREEDING button.

monster legends element table

Next, press the Breed button, which presents a two-sided table containing all your active monsters. Its display value is block by default, and it establishes a block formatting context. Start out by selecting the Breeding Mountain, located on your island near the Hatchery. There are several special styling considerations for. Allowing cross-origin use of images and canvas Viktor has been working on his secret project for the past few weeks and hes finally ready to reap the successFor more information visit.HTML table advanced features and accessibility.From object to iframe - other embedding technologies.Assessment: Structuring a page of content.

Monster legends element table